■ BWAVE and DolbomDream Sign MOU for Developing AI-Based Mental Health Assessment and Diagnostic Service

(G-Valley News) Reporter: Yoon Sun-mi

비웨이브, 돌봄드림과 AI 정신건강 평가 및 진단 서비스 개발 위한 MOU 체결
Photo: From left to right, Yoo Gyu-hwan, Vice President of Dolbom Dream, Kim Ji-hoon, CEO; Lee Seung-hwan, CEO of BWAVE; Lee Se-wan, Head of Department.

G-Valley News, Reporter Seon-Mi Yoon – AI-based mental health healthcare company BWAVE announced on the 20th that it signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with mental healthcare company DolbomDream on the 10th to develop an AI-based mental health assessment and diagnostic service using biometric signals.

The two companies plan to collaborate by integrating BWAVE’s iMindwave Service for mental health evaluation and diagnosis with DolbomDream’s biometric data collection and analysis technology to monitor users’ mental health conditions.


#AI_MentalHealthAssessment #BiometricSignalAnalysis #MentalHealthcareCollaboratio