Info about Social outcome exibition:
R&D of Solving Social Problems is a research and development project which is to improve and reduce people’s social problems, eventually enhancing people’s life quality by solving the current issues in South korea. BWAVE also participated in the R&D outcome exibition while 11 research outcome that should settle social problems related with incidents, healthcare and environment has displayed.

Hosted by Ministry of Science and ICT and organized by KISTEP(Korea Institute of S&T Evaluation and planning), this exibition is a form of a gathering spot of people and researchers who are willing to contribute in social science and reslove the current issues.

BWAVE introduced iMindwave Basic service to 50+ participants, which reports scaled individual’s mental health parameters by calculating the user’s EEG & PPG for around five minutes.

BWAVE Inc. is about to provide iMindwave Basic service to companies, institutions and schools starting from 2023, letting more people can check their mental health themselves by using the respective service.