Organizied by KHIDI(Korea Health Industry Development Institution), 2021 4th K-BIC starday has selected and presented BWAVE’s IR, AI-based EEG diagnosis software.


IR Presented Companies

  1. MediFarmSoft Inc.: ‘Cardial’; AI-based ECG inspection, analyze and diagnosis of Cardial disease (arrhythmia)
  2. Bitnal Inc.: Deeplearning-based human teeth and prosthesis auto-modeling S/W
  3. BWAVE Inc.: AI-based EEG diagnosis software
  4. MINDsAI Inc.: inspection-based integrated mind health management service
  5. LEESOL Inc.: AI-based Digital cure(DTx) & biodata platform that heals sleep disturbance, MCI, dementia and depression

[Source] [KBIC Events] 2021 4th K-BIC STAR DAY holding (started 3 PM, Aug. 19th(Thr), 2021)|Written by KHIDI

2021 4th k bic starday